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Is the premier league even running any more!?

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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  ste24865 Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:01 am

I hate to become one of the 'moaners' but what the fuck is going on with the premier league, people arnt even playing there games now and the site is virtually abandoned! If things don't pick up soon il be withdrawing


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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  XI VoIIcEs IX Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:55 am

yh i realised this was going to happen eventually. However me and messi have decided that those still wanting to participate in such a league can help us in creating a new 12 man league similar to the SPL but with 3.5-4 star teams only. Im currently doing this as i type it and it shud be done by the weekend hopefully

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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  T00G00d4u Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:46 am

am in


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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  ste24865 Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:40 pm

I'd be up for anything that people actually actively play!

A good idea would be to have 2leg cup knock out competitions instead of a league, that way everyone will stay engaged!?


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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  sonofshanks79 Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:33 am

Hi guys, been really busy for a couple of days, I think the idea of a 12 or so man league would be a good idea until we get established, but then are we gonna knock people back who apply once all the teams are gone?? will we have reserve teams?? The cup competition is a great idea too, and something i have been thinking about, to keep teams ticking over, maybe a small entry fee, say like 5m, making a pot, but then i thought about people not being able to connect to each other.......
I think ideally, we would like to find 20 players who will definately play before the end of september, using this as a 'beta' league to iron out problems, listen to suggestions, then set up a premier league for fifa 12??
I have actually given some thought also, to say, find one fan of each premier league team, maybe via facebook or whatever, who has an xbox, xbox live, and fifa, who will be willing to participate, its harder now that most teams have been dismantled, but im sure with auditions etc, we could find the right people.... anyway, i baggsy liverpool Smile

Just thought id share my opinion

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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  XI VoIIcEs IX Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:55 am

yh shanks ive already started to put the finishing touches into the new league using a different forum. Sorry bout having to do it this way but its easier for me. Heres how the new league is gonna be played:

- Each team plays each other twice resulting in 24 games
- Each team will then recieve 6 teams that they must play to bring their games upto 30
- At end of season the national cup will take place with the bottom 8 teams playing a qualifying round to eliminate 4. This then brings the total number of teams left to 8 which will then go to a elimination round consisting of 2 legs. Away goals rule apply.
- A transfer window will not start until middway through the season and every team will recieve the same budget.
- Teams will be given out randomly and those who apply when no teams are left will be put onto a reserve list. If however we get 24 people interested i will play 2 divisions of 12 people. In this case i will also include a relegation/promotion system.

Any questions fire away, i will be posting the link soon

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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  XI VoIIcEs IX Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:02 am

I would also like to add the 12 teams being randomly given out will get assigned with priority given to those here the longest. Also those that are inactive or do not play games will be kicked after a minimum of 5 days.

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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  ste24865 Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:27 pm

Sounds great to me, let's get it going!

Thanks Voices


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Is the premier league even running any more!?  Empty Re: Is the premier league even running any more!?

Post  XI VoIIcEs IX Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:13 am

right there is only 4 or 5 teams left if however you want to still join and no teams are available im sure i can sort something out for you

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